The RM42 billion debt incurred by 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) had been used to carry out several projects in addition to covering the cost of taxes, exchange rates as well as inherited debts.

This was disclosed by 1MDB president and group executive director Arul Kanda Kandasamy in a statement yesterday, together with details of several projects which had used the controversial funds.

"In recent weeks, there has been much speculation about the use of the RM42 billion, particularly on the RM27 million which was alleged to be 'lost'.

"Here, we disclose a summary of the usage of the RM42 billion. It is stated clearly, from the audited accounts of 1MDB, transactions from March 31, 2010 up to March 31, 2014.

"We believe this exposure will help to clarify some confusion on the matter," said Arul Kanda.

Below is the breakdown of the said RM42 billion used: