Aviophobia: 5 ways to overcome your fear of flying

Astro Awani
May 13, 2016 18:50 MYT
Stats on air travel show that overwhelming fear of crashing is an inappropriate response to the reality of modern travel
For most people, boarding a plane is a relatively easy experience.
Yes, air travel takes a bit of planning and preparation, but for most, it’s all just part of the experience.
For people with a pronounced fear of flying, however, travel can be an incredibly stressful experience.
People with a fear of flying can feel extreme claustrophobia which can lead to a panic attack. Others may have an extreme fear of the plane crashing.
These feelings can bring on physical symptoms like chest pain, sweating and shaking.
None of these feelings are pleasant, but they are an effect of the overwhelming fear experienced by a person with this phobia.
Obviously, fear of flying can greatly limit a person’s lifestyle as well as their employment options.
Here are some tips for coping with fear of flying:

1) Become aware of what triggers your anxiety over flying.

One of the best defenses against anxious fears is to isolate it and realize what sets off the fear. Try to separate those thoughts and look at them rationally, so they will have less power.

2) Anticipate the feelings of anxiety

The anticipation of anxiety is often worse than the feeling itself. Realize that once the fight is actually en route, the feeling of anxiety will be less than it is before boarding.

3) Gain knowledge

Though there is some inherent danger involved in any kind of travel, the statistics on air travel show that overwhelming fear of crashing is an inappropriate response to the reality of modern travel. Knowing the actual safety records of planes will go a long way towards alleviating the fear of flying.

4) Protect yourself from negative media

The news media today offers a non-stop flow of negative ideas and imagery that can stoke fears far out of proportion to reality. Avoid watching news stories or films that offer a barrage of violent imagery, especially before traveling.

5) Face the fear by getting on a plane

Once your fear has been acknowledged, the best way to deal with it is to continue to travel. Each successful trip you take, while dealing with anxiety but working to keep it at bay, will lessen the fear.

Dealing with an overwhelming anxiety is not easy, but it’s a fear that can be conquered once it is acknowledged and faced.

Here’s to safer travel in the future.

#aviophobia #fear of flying #flight phobia