Switch off your computer and book that holiday now!

Cherish Leow
March 21, 2016 22:45 MYT
Astro AWANI's Cherish Leow feels that it is important to know where to draw the line and take time off work for that much-needed holiday.
YOU may have clicked on this article because the idea of a well deserved holiday escape is the one thing that you really yearn for right now.
You probably feel like shutting off and staying idle for a bit, even if just for a day.
And that is exactly what I did.
I have to say, writing this in the companion of the ocean breeze and the sound of the waves crashing onto shore is a very rewarding and soothing experience.
Having spent many hours behind screens and blandly designed office cubicles in the concrete jungle, I have never felt so relaxed for a very long time! I cannot tell you how much I miss being this close to the sea.
It is heavenly. I am, essentially, tuning out from all the noise. I have never been happier.
Admittedly, I have not been very good at switching off after work. Most of the time it is due to the nature of my job and the responsibilities that come with it.
Being unable to truly shut down after work has taken a toll on my well-being and indirectly affected the people I care for.
I believe my story resonates with many of you. I cannot stress enough the importance of making a mental note on where to draw the line in order to take the time off from work.
If the idea of heading off for a short vacation had been at the back of your mind for a while now, please do yourself a favour and act on it.
Work will keep coming. Take the time off, free your mind so you'll be refreshed and come back more productive.
Alright… time to explore the island!
#ASEAN #beach holiday #go asean #going on holiday #holiday #travel #when to travel