Many Malaysian men are unaware that excessive pornography consumption can lead to erectile dysfunction (ED).

ClinicalandrologistDr Mohd Ismail Mohd Tambi said there has been an increase in the number of men who view porn excessively and are unable to perform or enjoy sex with their partners.

“What happens is that, they get turned on and reach a height, and then it slows down and dies. Aftersometime, this leads to sexual exhaustion,” he said in an exclusive interview with Astro AWANI.

Dr Mohd Ismail said there are many misconceptions about pornography, especially among those living in rural areas.

“I have patients from Terengganu and Kelantan who tell me that they view pornography as a cure to their ED. They don’trealise, pornography is making their condition worse,” he said.

Dr Mohd Ismail said the number of young and middle aged men suffering fromporn-induced ED is also on the rise.

Many Malaysian men are unaware that excessive pornography consumption can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Online video portal Pornhub in 2014 reported that people from Kuala Terengganuwerethe top pornography viewers in the country, followed by Kuala Lumpur and Kota Bahru.

Meanwhile, TIME magazine earlier this year reported that 46% of men and 16% of women aged 18 to 39, intentionally view pornography in any given week.

According to the report, in 1992, about 5% of men suffered from ED at the age of 40.

By 2013, the figure had gone up to 26%.

And a 2012 Swiss study reported that one-third of younger men, aged 18 to 25, struggled with ED.

Apart from citing medical reasons for the rising ED among younger men, the report also noted that pornography was also to be blamed.