11th Malaysia Plan: Six strategic thrusts in moving towards Vision 2020

Astro Awani
May 21, 2015 12:45 MYT
The time frame of 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP) is the most crucial time in the nations progress towards Vision 2020. It is also the platform for nation growth. - File Photo
Six strategic thrusts were introduced to help Malaysia face the challenges and embrace opportunities following the global political landscape changes.
The time frame of 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP) is the most crucial time in the nation’s progress towards Vision 2020. It is also the platform for nation growth.
Enhancing inclusiveness towards an equitable society
This commitment to enable all citizens to participate in and benefit from the country’s prosperity is anchored on a belief that inclusive growth is not only key to individual and societal well-being, but also critical for sustaining longer periods of solid economic growth.
All Malaysians will benefit from better access to quality education and training, efficient infrastructure and social amenities, better employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, as well as wealth ownership. - File photo
Improving well-being for all
The government has always adopted balanced development approach that gives equal emphasis to both economic growth and the well-being of the rakyat. Well-being refers to a standard of living and quality of life that addresses an individual’s socioeconomic, physical and psychological needs.
The Government will improve the well-being of all Malaysians - regardless of socioeconomic background or geographic location, so they will have equal access to quality healthcare. - File photo
Accelerating human capital development for an advanced nation
Human capital development is a critical enabler for driving and sustaining Malaysia’s economic growth and supporting the transition of all economic sectors towards knowledge-intensive activities. An efficient and effective labour market is also necessary to attract investments into Malaysia and enable everyone to participate in and enjoy the benefits of economic growth.
Labour productivity will be improved and more job opportunities that require highly-skilled workers will be created. - File photo
Pursuing green growth for sustainability and resilience
It is a commitment to pursue development in a more sustainable manner form the start, rather than a more conventional and costly model to ‘grow first, clean up later’. A reinforced commitment to green growth will ensure that Malaysia’s precious environment and natural endowment are conserved and protected for present and future generations.
Malaysia's green growth strategy will lower environmental risks and ecological scarcities. - File photo
Strengthening infrastructure to support economic expansion
Infrastructure development ensures that the rakyat have access to amenities and services such as transport, communications, electricity and clean water. Better integration of different transport modes will create seamless movement for people and goods. Moreover, an efficient infrastructure lowers the cost of doing business which in turn improves national competitiveness and productivity.
New investments in road, rail and air services will be balanced with efforts to improve the productivity, efficiency and service levels of such infrastructure. - File photo
Re-engineering economic growth for greater prosperity
Robust economic growth is crucial to ensure that the aspiration of becoming an advanced economy is attained. A strong and broad-based economy, producing high value goods and services, will generate the high paying jobs associated with an advanced nation. The economy must be placed on a solid foundation to withstand external shocks and generate undisrupted prosperity for the people.
In the services sector, there will be a shift towards modern services, which include Islamic finance and the halal industry. - File photo
#11MP #strategic thrusts #Vision 2020