KOTA BHARU: All 28,000 express bus tickets of Konsortium E-Mutiara to all destinations in the peninsula for trips from Tuesday (April 26) to May 2 in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri have been sold out.

Konsortium E-Mutiara Berhad (E-Mutiara) executive chairman, Che Ibrahim Che Ismail said among the most popular journeys is from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu.

"We are expecting almost 4,000 passengers a day throughout the country. On a regular day, we operate 90 trips per day but due to the festive season, we added another 30 trips to make it 120 trips a day.

"Insya Allah, we will meet our customers' desire as they have not gone back for raya with their families for so long, by providing the services. We will also see from time to time, especially on the need to add more trips," he said.

He was speaking to reporters after handing over zakat contributions to 300 orphans and single mothers at Konsortium E-Mutiara Berhad head office here today.

Commenting further, Che Ibrahim said Konsortium E-Mutiara is capable of accommodating the frequency of trips, especially during Hari Raya Aidilfitri as the company has 150 drivers and 70 buses.

"They will be assigned according to the schedule set by the operation department to ensure they get sufficient rest to reduce any untoward incidents. In fact, our buses have also undergone maintenance according to the stipulated schedule.

"Alhamdulillah, we are grateful our bus service is operating at full capacity. Even though our revenue is still below our actual level, seeing the industry recovering is assuring," he said.