Altantuya murder: Why raise issue now, not 8 years ago? - Najib

T K Letchumy Tamboo
May 17, 2015 19:20 MYT
In a bid to answer allegations and questions thrown his way by his critics about murdered Mongolian model Altantuya Shariibuu, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today took to his blog to explain his side of the story.
In a bid to answer allegations and questions hurled towards him by critics about murdered Mongolian model Altantuya Shariibuu, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today took to his blog to explain his side of the story.
Hitting out at perpetrators, Najib said he finds it disturbing that this issue was brought up again after eight years.
“We all know that if veteran leaders insist on bringing it up, even in passing, it would automatically cause the issue to be resurrected once again.
“Such influential individuals have many resources. When the issue erupted, I believe they would still have been able to verify the validity of the allegations. If they believed this to be true, why did they not raise it when the issue erupted eight years ago? Why now?
“Some have said that they are only questioning the issue now as it has turned into a matter of life and death of those who have been convicted. But this case has been tried in the courts, with a clear verdict and punishment meted out. Are they disputing the very judicial system that they put in place?," he asked on a posting on his blog.
Najib also said he had stated numerous times that he had nothing to do with the issue and even sworn an oath on the Al-Quran at a mosque, not too long ago.
“The people must take into account that in politics, many issues keep being played up, and this is one of them. It became hot at a time when I was PM in waiting and the Opposition needed a way to prevent me from advancing.
“The two bodyguards had worked for me, and Razak Baginda was a friend and associate, they tried to connect the dots to me. Razak Baginda has openly admitted to the relationship with Altantuya but in no way did I have any knowledge of it.
"Pakatan and their media have irresponsibly tried to play the psywar game by trying to implicate me and influence perception. They even went as far as to superimpose a photo of me, dining with the victim in a restaurant.
“In this era of social media, these things go viral uncontrollably, including the superimposed photo,” he said.
Najib added that even former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has personally confirmed that the former was not involved.
“Having established the above, it is unfair to force me to investigate this case again and demand to know who, if anyone, had ordered the killing.
“I am not involved and do not know anything about it. The court has determined who was guilty of the murder. That should be the end of the story,” he said.
Najib said what was important that the judgment brings justice to everyone, most importantly to the family of the victim, to the accused and even to him.
#Altantuya #Dr Mahathir #Najib Razak #Tun M