Alvivi: Are we ready to forgive and forget?
Syafique Shuib
July 16, 2013 14:35 MYT
July 16, 2013 14:35 MYT
The public is still divided over the controvery surrounding bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee, also known as 'Alvivi' for their Ramadan photo which they uploaded on Facebook.
The couple uploaded a video on Sunday, apologising for the incident.
"We had absolutely no intentions of insulting, ridiculing or trivialising Islam or inciting racial conflict for that matter," they said via the video.
Are netizens willing to forgive this couple, which first came into the spotlight for their sex blog that went viral last October?
Here's an interesting conversation between Alicia Izharuddin (@AngryMalayWoman) and hzr (@muipo1):
Despite the video apology, some netizens are asking for the government to take stern action against them:
Some netizens does not seem amused by their video posting:
There are others who are more forgiving:
Last Friday, the couple uploaded a photo on their Facebook page of them enjoying "bak kut teh" with a Ramadan greeting "Selamat Berbuka Puasa with bak kut teh… fragrant, delicious and appetising".
On the same day when they released their video of apology, their joint Facebook account was taken down.
They recorded their statements at the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) yesterday at 10.45am. The couple was being probed under Section 233 of the MCMC act.