Beef up corruption laws - CENBET

Media Statement
May 27, 2016 15:40 MYT
A more stringent provision can help curtail such conflicts of interests, said CENBET.
Of late, there has been a spike in media reports on allegations of corruption, not just involving those in high office but across the entire spectrum of those in power.
Even those who had previously been steadfast in the battle against graft had been dragged into some of these allegations.
The battle against corruption has to advance to the next level and one way to do this is via institutional reforms.
In view of this, we propose that the government urgently look into tightening corruption laws to fight this scourge.
This includes amending Sections 23 and 36 of the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission Act 2009. These provisions contain loopholes which some unscrupulous people in power had continued to exploit.
For example, under Section 23, if a decision-maker leaves a meeting that decides on a project which he or she has an interest in, that will be good enough in the eyes of the law.
In reality, that person may wield huge influence over the committee which decides on the project and this may sway their decision.
A more stringent provision can help curtail such conflicts of interests.
Section 36 of the Act also needs to be amended to allow MACC to compel any individuals suspected of being corrupt to declare their assets - not just those under investigations.
As long as the MACC is not empowered to do so, the corrupt with continue with their brazen ways.
The two suggestions are not silver bullets. There are other amendments to the Act that can help give more bite to the anti-corruption drive which seems to have lost even more steam of late.
This includes making the MACC answerable to Parliament and not treated like another government agency with no freedom in hiring and firing and no financial independence.
CENBET believes in putting in place strong institutional safeguards in the fight against corruption. This is part of good governance which CENBET promotes.
Towards this end, we call on all MPs across the political spectrum to push for such legislative amendments. This will show that they walk the talk in the war against graft, not just play to the gallery for political expediency.

by CENBET committee member Low Eng Tack
The views expressed here are strictly of the author's and do not necessarily reflect Astro AWANI's.
#Cenbet #corruption laws #MACC