Christian body joins clarion call for IPCMC

Teoh El Sen
June 6, 2013 18:19 MYT
The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), an umbrella body representing 90% of churches nationwide, has become the latest organisation to urge the government to set up the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).
CFM’s call comes amid rowing demand by various groups, including civil society and political parties from both sides of the divide, for a better system to keep the police in check.
This public outcry was the result a recent spate of police custodial deaths, including the death of N Dhmendran, in which three police were charged for murder yesterday.
“The CFM urges our legislators to set up the IPCMC which was recommended by the Royal Police Commission Report in 2005 forthwith as among many other measure which can be undertaken to reduce police custodial deaths,” said chairman Rev. Dr. Eu Hong Seng, who represented the executive committee of CFM.
Eu noted that the current IPCMC ‘equivalent’, the Enforcement Agencies Integrity Commission (EAIC) had itself admitted has not been able to address the issue satisfactorily.
“In order to enhance confidence, we call upon all law-abiding police officers to stand with the rakyat against those who would tarnish the image and reputation of the police force. Malaysians deserve a police force with integrity in whom we can trust,” he said in a statement issued this afternoon.
Eu said the CFM viewed with “great alarm” the three reported deaths in police custody, in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Negeri Sembilan over the past 11 days from May 21 to June 1.
“The names of N. Dhamendran, R. Jamesh Ramesh and P. Karuna Nithi are now etched in our minds as among many other Malaysians who have died while in police custody in recent times.”
“The government owes their grieving families and all Malaysians a full and proper explanation. Our prayers are with the grieving families”
Eu noted that the previous Home Minister had stated that between 2000 and Sept 2012, 209 persons had died in police custody. Together with the four additional deaths in 2012 and eight more since January this year, it accounted to 221 deaths.
“In other words, we have an average of more than one custodial death per month. This is an abominable statistic and a shocking state of affairs, for which the government must be held accountable. There can be no cover-up. Those who are guilty of negligence and even of torture should be speedily charged in court.”
Eu said that the government must put in place effective and transparent measures and operating procedures to ensure that these deaths in custody do not recur. Those who are vested with the power to maintain the security of our country must equally ensure the safety and well-being of those who are held in police cells pending investigations.
Groups including the Bar Council, human rights NGO Suaram have recently called for the IPCMC eventhough the EAIC has now launched its investigations on deaths in custody.
It has been pointed out that IPCMC was superior as it has disciplinary power and the EAIC could only recommend actions. The EAIC also oversees a total of 19 enforcement agencies and is sorely understaffed.
The EAIC chief executive Nor Afizah Hanum Mokhtar recently admitted that the commission did not investigate previous death in custody cases because of a lack of manpower.
DAP today called for the IPCMC, as it is “more empowered” to deal with police abuse of power. MIC was also joined by a BN coalition partner today, and a Gerakan leader said establishing the commission "would help restore public confidence in the police force."
A United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention 2010 visit to Malaysian prisons and detention centres reported in 2011 that between 2003 and 2007, “over 1,500 people died while being held by authorities.”
The IPCMC was mooted by a royal commission chaired by former Chief Justice Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Abdullah in 2005 but was shot down by the police.
The Cabinet is reportedly an “alternative” to the IPCMC, which includes power to prosecute, according to a source story in the Oriental Daily News today. These alternatives include strengthening the current EAIC.
#CFM #Christian #eu hong seng #IPCMC