The Sarawak Health Department has taken preventive and control measures including carrying out investigation in areas close to the location of three rabies cases in Serian.

State Local Government and Housing Minister, Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian said a meeting was held this morning involving representatives of several agencies including the Health Department, Veterinary Services Department and the local authority on the matter.

"I urge that the public not panic over news of the disease outbreak and the most important thing is, if your children are behaving strangely and are afraid of water, immediately take them to hospital," he said when met by reporters at an Aidilfitri open house, here, today.

Yesterday, the Health Ministry confirmed three children including two siblings in Serian district, Sarawak, who were infected with rabies.

Dr Sim who also oversees health matters in the state, said besides government agencies, the state government would also seek the assistance of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) in tackling the rabies outbreak.

"The Sarawak Health Department and Veterinary Services Department had this year conducted simulation exercises in tackling the disease.

"The SPCA too has organised two or three workshops for the same purpose, hence cooperation between the government agencies and non-governmental organisations could assist us in this.

"This disease has not occurred for so long, maybe the public is not aware or has not noticed it. Now we hope they will be more alert of the symptoms in their children," he said.

Dr Sim also said that families should be aware of their children's activities, especially when playing with dogs.

"Sometimes when a child is bitten by a dog, he does not tell (his family members)," he added.