SINGAPORE: Four Malaysians are among the 25 new cases of COVID-19 reported here Tuesday, according to the republic's Ministry of Health (MOH).

In its full data released late last night, the MOH said two of the cases were linked to Case 62873 cluster, an 88 year-old cleaner at Changi Airport Terminal 3, who was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on May 5.

One of the Malaysians linked to the cluster had tested preliminarily positive with the B1617 variant, and is pending further confirmatory tests, said the ministry.

The cluster has 18 cases so far.

Meanwhile, two other cases which involved the Malaysians were categorised as unlinked with one person who works as an operating theatre technician at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.

His serology test result has come back positive, said the ministry.

Given that MOH was not able to definitively conclude when the technician had been infected, hence, it will take all the necessary public health actions as a precautionary measure.

As at noon yesterday, Singapore's total caseload stood at 61,403.
So far, there have been 11 COVID-19 clusters in the republic.