Deaths of 2 navy men classified 'sudden death'

September 30, 2017 23:02 MYT
GAN: "While the post-mortem on Nik Muhammad Baihaqi Nik Mat and Muhammad Lailatuiman Mohd Sukri was being conducted to ascertain the cause of death, the police for now had classified the case as sudden death." - FILEpic
The deaths of two Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) personnel at the Sungai Wangi Unit detention rooms near Sitiawan yesterday have been classified as sudden death.
Perak CID chief, Datuk Gan Tian Kee said while the post-mortem on Nik Muhammad Baihaqi Nik Mat and Muhammad Lailatuiman Mohd Sukri was being conducted to ascertain the cause of death, the police for now had classified the case as sudden death.
In a statement here today, he said Nik Muhammad Baihaqy, 28, was held at the detention centre for 45 days, beginning last Wednesday for going absent without leave (AWOL) which contravened Section 58 of the Armed Forces Act 1972.
"The deceased was also suspected of having been involved in drug abuse and the investigation into the case was still ongoing, pending a chemistry report," he said.
Gan said Muhammad Lailatuiman, 26, was picked up last Thursday for also going AWOL.
He said the two men, from different units, were undergoing 'orientation' at the detention centre during fine weather, in accordance with the standard operating procedures.
Meanwhile, the RMN in a statement today said Nik Muhammad Baihaqy and Muhammad Lailatuiman died in their rooms while undergoing physical training exercises yesterday.
It said the duo complained of fatigue and were allowed to rest before they had bouts of vomiting and breathing difficulties.
Nik Muhammad Baihaqy and Muhammad Lailatuiman were pronounced dead at 3.15pm.
#death #died #Gan Tian Kee #investigation #police #RMN #Sitiawan #sudden death #TLDM