KUALA LUMPUR:Although Malaysia has earned international recognition for its fight against COVID-19, Malaysians should not let their guard down as the virus is still in the community, said Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) president Prof Datuk Dr Subramaniam Muniandy.

He said Malaysia had become almost free of COVID-19 at one stage but complacency on the part of the people had led to a resurgence of infections.

"Although our country was recognised by WHO for our success in containing the pandemic, we cannot afford to enjoy and be careless; this the people have to understand - the virus is still in the community. It is not easy to overcome (COVID-19),” he said when interviewed on Bernama TV here yesterday.

Dr Subramaniam said if the people did not strictly follow the standard operating procedure (SOP) like wearing face masks and practising physical distancing, cases could rise again.

Asked on the situation in the country, he said it might take one or two years to end the pandemic.

He said as long as a COVID-19 vaccine or medicine was not found, self-regulation by the people in observing the SOP would be key in breaking the chain of infection.

"As you can see, the spread of infection is the same in hot or cold weather. It is a strong virus which mutates easily, so it depends on compliance of Malaysians with the SOP to reduce and subsequently end the threat of this virus,” he added.

New COVID-19 cases in Malaysia dropped slightly to 293 today, after hitting a record high of 317 yesterday.

Meanwhile, Dr Subramamiam welcomed the government’s decision to postpone registration for the October intake of institutions of higher learning following the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.

He said campuses would be packed with students during registration, making it difficult to practise physical distancing.