Don't we fail our children -- PH Wong

PH Wong
May 10, 2013 07:54 MYT
We and our partner child NGOS at Childline Malaysia are OUTRAGED and DISTRESSED to read that another child only 13 years old is marrying her rapist who is old enough to be her father! This is akin to a life sentence for her continuing to be raped at will! Marriage does not make rape right! We also note that there is no action taken against the rapist. This child's rights and dignity as a human being was violated by the rape and now her parents , the courts and the law further sentences her to a lifetime of suffering - physically, emotionally and psychologically.
We cannot believe that a 13 year old is ready for marriage. She is a CHILD! As defined under the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 which Malaysia ratified together with all countries in the world (except the US) . A key priniciple of this Convention is that whatever laws. regulations. practices we have must be "in the best interests of the child". Like any child whether Malaysian or not she has a right to grow and develop as a child in a conducive, safe and nurturing environment at home ,in school and in the community.
What will this do to her health, her education and her future?
We demand that the Government take IMMEDIATE steps to eradicate and outlaw child marriages! We need to revisit the National Child Policy, the National Child Protetion Policy and Action Plans, the Child Act 2001 and all other archaic policies, laws and practices that violates the rights of a child to survival, protection , development and participation. We would urge that child rights and child protection be top priority for our newly elected representatives.
Statistics from 15999 Childline based on direct calls from children for the last two years is alarming with psychosocial mental health issues topping at about 48% and child abuse at 20% . More worrying are the figures from the Ministry of Health that there were 18,000 teenage pregnancies in 2011 alone! How many of these were raped or were forced to marry their rapist we really dont know. but it is somthing for parents and all of us to be extremely concerned with.
Child marriage, rape and other violations of a child's rights are NOT acceptable practices in any country let alone one that just concluded its elections promoting inter alia "Rakyat Di Dahulukan". Well, now we need that promised fulfilled for the most vulnerable and important "Rakyat" - this child and all children in Malaysia not her rapist!
It is very sad that although children form almost 40% of our nation's population and are current and future assets (being called "permata", "modal insan" etc) their rights are continually violated by a nation and society that should be their nurturer and protector.
NGOS, families and communities please stand up and speak up for and on behalf of your children. Silence in this case is not golden! Let us write to our newly elected MPs, Federal and State legislators to keep child rights and protection as a TOP PRIORITY. "Masalah sosial remaja" does not just happen.
It happens when we fail to put children first, and when we as a nation do not embrace a culture of peace, respect, love and care for our children. It happens when our health,education, legal, and justice systems are skewed. It happens when families are unable to have support for basic needs ,for childcare ,education and health.
Let us not fail this child and others like her especially children who are in extremely vulnerable circumstances --undocumented, refugee, migrant, abused, orphaned, special needs, rural and urban poor, and many more.
PH Wong is the project director of Childline Malaysia.
#abuse #children #rape