Earth Hour: Pedal for The Planet

Astro Awani
March 5, 2014 17:24 MYT
Chairman of the Health and Environment Committee, Johor (EXCO), Datuk Haji Ayub bin Rahmat speaks during the Earth Hour 2014 press conference on Tuesday. --WWF-Malaysia/Farisha Zainol
More than just switching off lights, Earth Hour 2014 in Johor will go beyond its 60-minute environmental conservation campaign and raise funds to buy trees which will be planted in the Johor Bahru city centre.
The green initiative spearheaded by the Johor State Government reflects its seriousness in promoting healthy green living among Johoreans.
The Earth Hour campaign of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) urges individuals, communities and businesses to switch off their nonessential lights as a symbol of their commitment to the conservation of the planet.
The event this year in Johor will include a 2km night walk along Jalan Wong Ah Fook, a 15km night bicycle ride organised by Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Johor (UPEN) in collaboration with WWF-Malaysia.
It is also supported by Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru, Ronda Riadah Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Johor Bahru Selatan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia’s (UTM) Student Representative Council, Persatuan Olahraga Johor (JAA) and Persatuan Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) Johor.
UPEN Assistant Director Mohd Gadaffie Abd Aziz, Datuk Haji Ayub bin Rahmat, Chairman of the Health and Environment Committee, Johor (EXCO), Mary Barton, Acting Head Strategic Management & Operations Department of WWF-Malaysia and Yeap Chong Wei, WWF-Malaysia Head of Marketing. --WWF-Malaysia/Farisha Zainol
This is the fifth year Earth Hour is being held in Johor and the event this time will also include an “I Will If You Will” pledge to reduce energy usage by 5 percent by March 2015.
The State Government has also pledged to reduce 5 percent of its energy usage by Earth Hour 2015 if more than 300 participants take part in the night walk and more than 500 cyclists register for the night ride.
“We are pleased that Earth Hour has gained momentum in Johor – the State Government is taking the event to a higher level by driving greater awareness of green living among Johorians and tourists in the city through expanded collaborations,” said Acting Head Strategic Management & Operations Department of WWF-Malaysia, Mary Barton.
Earth Hour is a global environmental initiative that began in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2000 businesses switched off their lights for one hour from 8.30pm, to take a stand against climate change. This year, Earth Hour will take place on 29 March.
Mary Barton, in praising the action by the State Government said that greening and creating green spaces through better landscaping and tree planting are very important in urban settings.
“Natural green lungs not only act as carbon sinks but they also filter pollution, have soothing aesthetic value and function as much needed recreational spots for urban dwellers,” she said.
“All of us need to work together – non-governmental organizations, the government, businesses and individuals. Everyone should be concerned about climate change and take ownership of ways to mitigate the situation from further deteriorating,” she added.
For the Night Bicycle Ride and Night Walk, a donation fee of RM10 per person will be collected for tree planting. Those interested can register with Persatuan Olahraga Johor. For the Night Walk, participants can register with WWF-Malaysia where a RM60 fee will be charged per person.
Apart from Johor, WWF-Malaysia is also working with other cities and towns in Malaysia to drive nationwide awareness and momentum on Green Living via the Earth Hour platform.
#bicycle ride #Earth Hour #environmental conservation campaign #Johor #UPEN #walk #WWF-Malaysia