Five more joint posts at Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan border

September 29, 2017 09:32 MYT
Hishammuddin, Ryacudu (2nd left) and National Security Council Director-General Tan Sri Zulkifeli Mohd Zin (right) in a conversation before a photography session for the 40th GBC Malindo conference at Wisma Perwira, Sept 28, 2017. --fotoBERNAMA
Malaysia and Indonesia will add five more joint posts (POSGAB) at 'hot areas' in the border involving Sabah and Sarawak, and Kalimantan in Indonesia next year, says Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.
He said four existing POSGAB at Lubok Antu, Biawak, Ba'Kelalan in Sarawak and Seliku in Sabah should be enhanced to raise their effectiveness in border management.
"The matter received the cooperation of Indonesia to flush out undesirable elements in the border areas," he said after attending the 40th General Border Committee (GBC) Malaysia-Indonesia conference at Wisma Perwira, here Thursday.
On the North Korean issue, he said Malaysia and Indonesia should be together in not supporting any action which could spark conflicts or war, as well as matters which could threaten the peace of any country.
"Malaysia and Indonesia will bring the matter up in the ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting in the Philippines next month to voice the concerns of Southeast Asia and will closely monitor the development in North Korea," he said.
On the Malindo GBC held annually, he said it was not only to strengthen the diplomatic relations between Malaysia and Indonesia which was established more than 60 years ago but was also the best platform to formulate strategy on boosting security and sovereignty of both countries, especially at the border.
"We discussed current issues such as Daish, but attention was also focused on North Korea and Rohingya. Both countries (Malaysia and Indonesia) also conducted joint military exercises focused on counter-terrorism activities," he said.
In this regard, he said the Trilateral Air Patrol (TAP) involving Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines in the Sulu Sea was expected to be launched at the Subang Air Base near here on Oct 12.
TAP was implemented to empower air space and maritime security surveillance and preparedness.
Also present were Indonesian Defence Minister General (B) Ryamizard Ryacudu and the Malaysian Defence Forces chief, General Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor.
#ASEAN #border #General Border Committee #Hishammuddin Hussein #hot areas #Indonesia #joint military #Kalimantan #Malindo GBC #North Korea #POSGAB #Rohingya #ryamizard ryacudu #Sabah #Sarawak #security #TAP #Trilateral Air Patrol