He said the houses of worship such as mosques, suraus and musollas should be made a 'zone of peace ' that is free of any political influence.
"Do not create an atmosphere that can cause misunderstanding and rift among the Muslim ummah. These mosques, suraus and musollas should not be used for political campaigns or to hold political talks because they are places of worship, for the unification of the ummah.
"Hence, they should be made a zone of peace and free from the influence of any political party," he said when contacted by Bernama today.
Mohamad Shukri said the public should lodge a report with the relevant authorities if there were party candidates or machinery that use mosques, suraus and musollas as places for their campaigning purposes.
The Election Commission (EC) has set Nov 19 as polling day for GE15. The nomination is tomorrow and early voting is on Nov 15.