Government department must own up to weaknesses: Zahid

September 8, 2016 19:07 MYT
Ahmad Zahid lashed out at those under his ministry who ignored integrity to the extent of tarnishing the ministry's image and services. - Filepic
Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi did not want government departments and agencies to be in denial over weaknesses in operations and service to the people.
They must be bold in acknowledging these weaknesses, the Deputy Prime Minister said when addressing the monthly assembly of the Home Ministry here.
Ahmad Zahid, who is also the home minister, cited the example of recent long queues at Immigration Department counters issuing passports and said this had taken place and should have been honestly acknowledged.
"I also want the people to understand that the problem is not totally the department's but involves external factors as well, such as the suppliers and vendors who fail to meet specifications and deliver on time," he said.
Ahmad Zahid said the actual situation with regard to any problem must be conveyed to the people for them to understand it, and steps must be taken to resolve the problem.
He hit out at people whom he described as "kacang hantu" in departments under his ministry who he said were capable of ignoring integrity to the extent of raising a negative perception of the image and services of the ministry.
The ministry offered various services to the people and, as such, he would not compromise on having such individuals in his administration, he said.
"Those who feel that they cannot work with the Home Ministry can find other organisations out there that they can be comfortable with," he said.
Ministry secretary-general Datuk Seri Alwi Ibrahim and Immigration Department director-general Datuk Seri Mustaffar Ali were also present at the assembly.
#kacang hantu #malaysia government department #Zahid Hamidi