Hey Red Shirts, did you get what you wanted?

Hafiz Marzukhi
September 17, 2015 12:35 MYT
This 'siege mentality' introduced by certain community leaders is not doing the Malays any good.
So September 16 came and went.
The much-maligned 'Red Shirt' rally went on rather peacefully, except for the incident at Petaling Street.
Surely, the organisers feel the event was a success?
Well, I don't.
Coz what did it actually achieve? Was 'Malay dignity' restored?
On the contrary, I feel what happened in Kuala Lumpur on Malaysia Day 2015, overall, actually tarnished Malay public image.
Don't get me wrong. If members of a community feel they are being treated unjustly, then they have every right to voice their dissatisfaction, as afforded by our Constitution.
However, hitting the streets en masse and screaming 'Hidup Melayu' is definitely not what I feel our founding fathers had in mind.
I am Malay, at least that it is what is stated on my MyKad.
I was in the middle of all this for a whole four hours, and not for one second could I relate to what was being espoused by those in attendance.
This 'siege mentality' introduced by certain community leaders is not doing the Malays any good.
Yes, there are poor Malays, but there are also poor Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans.
Don’t all less fortunate Malaysians deserve help?
The cacophony is still ringing in my ear as I write this, and I’m left wondering why exactly anyone would feel the rights of Malays are being trampled on?
Rather than scream and complain about not having this or that, why don't you actually do something about it?
Not by mass gathering or going on a DAP-bashing spree, but by doing something constructive that can actually make a difference.
And for the love of God, do something that is in line with the Islamic principles that you believe in.
In times of crisis, should we not refer to the Holy Quran for guidance? I believe it is clearly stated in Surah Al-Asr, to be mindful of what you do in the time that has been given to you.
So, next time, for those who plan to hold a rally for whatever cause, give more thought about how the event will actually achieve your objectives.
Otherwise, wouldn’t it all be a complete waste of time?

*Views expressed here are personally those of the author's and do not necessarily reflect those of Astro AWANI.

#Hidup Melayu #Malay #red rally