Higher fees to replace lost MyKad from Oct 15
October 11, 2015 08:47 MYT
October 11, 2015 08:47 MYT
Adenan said apart from the increase of the fees, the new MyKad replacement procedure also would be tightened with new guidelines.
The replacement fees for a lost MyKad will be increased from Oct 15, according to Home Ministry deputy secretary-general (Security Policy) Datuk Sri Adenan Ab. Rahman.
He said the fees for losing the MyKad the first time remained at RM100, but for the second time, the fee would be increased to RM300 from the current RM200, while for the third and subsequent time, the fee would be increased to RM1,000 from the current RM300.
He said exemption, however, would be given to persons with disabilities, the hardcore poor, those below 18 years or aged 60 and above, and victims of disasters and crimes, such as robbery and snatch theft.
Adenan said the increase in the fees was part of procedure improvement methods taken after the National Registration Department (NRD) found that between 2010 and September 2015, there were 1,356,135 cases of lost MyKad.
"The methods will not take into account the lost card history prior to the date of commencement of this new procedure," he said in a statement, Saturday.
Adenan said apart from the increase of the fees, the new MyKad replacement procedure also would be tightened with new guidelines.
He said for replacement of the MyKad for the first time, applicants can proceed to NRD counter, while for second and subsequent replacements, the applicants would have to make a police report on the loss before applying at NRD counters.
"For applicants of third and subsequent loss, an investigation will be carried out before the new MyKad is issued," he added.