I have been called Joseph Goebbels handmaiden, Abby Martin

Rizal Zulkapli
July 16, 2014 20:42 MYT
Martin has been vocal in her opinions pertaining to the present scenario in Gaza.
American journalist of Russia Today’s Washington DC Bureau Abby Martin, a correspondent of Breaking
the Set, firmly believes that the world will change only by reporting the truth.
An optimist in all sense of the word, Martin’s voice has become viral following her unyielding statement aimed at Western-media Israel-biased reports on the current devastation in Gaza.
Her video titled, “Why Doesn't the Media Care about Dead Palestinians?” and the ABC-bashing “ABC Manipulates Truth to Fit Pro-Israel Bias and Weapons of Mass Distraction” have been viewed for a staggering 320 thousand times to date.
During a phone interview with Astro Awani, Martin strongly reaffirms her stand as she describes the Israeli’s attack on Gaza as a ‘massacre’.
Earlier this year, Martin went viral when she voiced her opinion against the Russian military intervention in Ukraine while anchoring for a TV station sponsored by the Russian government.RT later issued a statement saying that "contrary to the popular opinion, RT doesn't beat its journalists into submission and they are free to express their own opinions, not just in private but on the air.
Martin is not all alone it seems. On Monday, American political satirist and TV host Jon Stewart also shed a light on the situation in Gaza, criticising the manner on how the Gazans are inappropriately cautioned before bombs are dropped on to their homes.
A screen cap of the recording by which included the f-word, made its way to the social media including Twitters and also went viral.
Below are some of the excerpts of the 9-minute long conversation on July 16th.
On reports by the western media on the situation in Gaza:
“We don’t hear about the disproportionate in the media. We don’t hear facts that Israel is using banned weapons.”
“Unfortunately, people are watching the (western) media do not know. I just saw a poll that indicates only 15 per cent of the Americans sympathise with Palestinian. That just shows you all you need to know.”
“Restraint (on reporting the truth) is also coming from the government and it comes from a top down narrative that Israel is (US’s) one and only ally in the Middle East.”
On how lobbyists and western media influence the outcome of the report:
“Clearly western media acts as just repeaters. They just republish government press releases because if they undermine the narrative…then that will just start to unravel the conflict in the Middle East.”
“A lot of the journalists do want to tell the truth, about what’s happening in the Palestine, but they are scared because the anti-Semitic label is thrown around so loosely. I have been called Joseph Goebbels handmaiden because I just talk about the truth of what I see on the ground. “
“It’s sad that my video has gone viral because it shows you how no one else is risking the platform to say (the truth).”
On new news agencies such as Russia Today in playing its role in changing the western media landscape:
“Young Americans flock to Russia Today because it’s the only platform that gives us the voice to criticise the corporations that control the government.”
On how the truth can inevitably change the world:
“We can help free Palestine from occupation. If only we can show people the truth about this barbarism, the irresponsible military action and these war crimes I think that people would be outraged.
We are not talking about remote place that we have no affiliation with. Israel is the biggest recipient of US foreign aid.”
#Abby Martin #Breaking the Set #journalist #Russia Today