PUTRAJAYA: Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said he will continue supporting the Control of Tobacco Products and Smoking Bill 2022 and the Generational End Game (GEG) policy regardless of his position after the 15th general election (GE15).

Describing the bill as an important agenda for Malaysians, Khairy said he had done his best for the Bill right from its early stages up to when it was reviewed by a Parliamentary Special Select Committee (PSSC).

"I will continue supporting GEG in whatever capacity I am in. Maybe as a member of parliament, maybe as an ordinary citizen and I will keep pushing the new government to agree to the Bill," he told reporters after officiating at the opening of the Putrajaya Anti-Obesity Seminar and the launch of a weight management module programme here today

Khairy also hoped the new government and the minister in charge of the health portfolio will not bow down to pressure from tobacco companies and smoking product companies.

Khairy said all parties need to accept the fact that Parliament after GE15 will be membered by new MPs.

"Therefore, we cannot assume that they will automatically agree with the decisions adopted by the previous PSSC," he said.

The first and second readings of the Bill were tabled on July 27 and Aug 1 respectively but on Aug 2, a motion to refer it to the PSSC was approved.

Intended to reduce smoking among Malaysians, the Bill, among other things will prohibit the sale and use of any form of smoking material including electronic cigarettes or vaping to individuals born on Jan 1, 2007.