According to the Order Paper on the Parliament's website, the question about educational reforms will be raised by Datuk Seri Saifuddin Abdullah (PN-Indera Mahkota) to the Higher Education Minister.
Meanwhile, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob (BN-Bera) will ask about measures and assistance to be provided by the government to accommodate the sudden increase in the cost of performing the haj and umrah.
Also listed is a question from Muhammad Islahuddin Abas (PN-Mersing) to the Defence Minister regarding the implementation of the Livelihood Assistance Programme (BSH) for Malaysian Armed Forces veterans who do not have pensions, especially in the B40 category.
Questions about the quality and cost of 5G services offered by telecommunications companies, efforts to reduce costs for users, and how long it would take for the whole country to get 5G coverage will be asked by Lim Guan Eng (PH-Bagan) to the Communications and Digital Minister.
After the question-and-answer session, the sitting will continue with the debate session on the Supply Bill 2023 at the committee level.
According to the calendar on the Parliament website, the bill will be debated at the committee level for 10 days.