BALING: The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) has channelled over RM1.58 million from its Musa'adah Fund to the victims of floods that hit several villages here last Monday.

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Ahmad Marzuk Shaary said it includes a one-off financial aid of RM1,000 meant for each affected household.

"Each head of the affected household will receive RM1,000 and even if they were not evacuated, they just need to lodge a police report as proof for them to qualify for the financial aid from our Musa'adah Fund.

"We have so far presented immediate aid of RM70,000 to Sekolah Menengah Agama Yayasan Al-Khairiah, which was badly affected by the floods," he told reporters after visiting the victims at the temporary shelter at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Jerai here today.

In PENANG, Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow said the Penang government has sent officers and garbage collectors dubbed "orange heroes" from the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and the Seberang Perai City Council (MBSP) on a flood disaster relief mission to Baling.

He said an officer with 20 orange heroes from MBSP left for Baling yesterday, while 38 others from MBPP were mobilised this morning to help remove fallen trees, damaged furniture, as well as residual mud and dirt from the victims' houses.

The floods in Baling claimed three lives while more than 1,400 residents had to be evacuated to three temporary evacuation centres as seven houses were completely destroyed and about 70 other houses were damaged.