Karpal Singh lives on in people's hearts

T K Letchumy Tamboo
April 17, 2015 17:00 MYT
A year has passed on since renowned lawyer Karpal Singh passed away but his legacy lives on in peoples hearts.
Exactly a year has passed since renowned lawyer Karpal Singh passed away but his legacy continues to live on in people's hearts.
Those who were close to him, especially parliamentarians from the party he championed, DAP, feel his loss the most.
Batu Kawan MP Kasthuri Patto, who sat next to the 'Tiger of Jelutong' in Parliament sittings, said the loss of 'Uncle Karpal' is greatly felt by her.
"I had the opportunity to sit beside Uncle Karpal in Parliament. Everyday, he would come in and share stories with me which make Parliament sessions so much more interesting.
"Unlike other MPs, Uncle Karpal never bring any papers with him except for the Federal Constitution and Standing Order.
"In Parliament, he sets very high standards. When he speaks, that is how MPs should speak," she told Astro AWANI when contacted today.
Veteran politician, Lim Kit Siang, remembers Karpal as a fearless lawyer.
In a series of tweets, Kit Siang said not only DAP but all Malaysians are proud of Karpal's contributions and achievements.
He also said 'one Karpal has been laid to rest but let a multitude of Karpals rise up'.

Best tribute 2Karpal 2continue the path blazoned by Tiger of Jelutong - a Malaysia which is beacon of hope where all Msians can feel proud.

— Lim Kit Siang (@limkitsiang) April 17, 2015
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One Karpal has been laid to rest but let a multitude of Karpals rise up, not just Jagdip Gobind Ramkarpal Sangeet 4cause of justice/freedom

— Lim Kit Siang (@limkitsiang) April 17, 2015
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Not only DAP but all Malaysians are proud of Karpal's contributions achievements - Karpal's legacy 2DAP n Msia. We are all Karpal Singh!

— Lim Kit Siang (@limkitsiang) April 17, 2015
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Karpal never allowed political clowns/pygmies 2deflect him from his political purpose. We must all be Karpal 2b strong 2face new challenges.

— Lim Kit Siang (@limkitsiang) April 17, 2015
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DAP secretary-general, Lim Guan Eng said Malaysia is clearly poorer without Karpal.
"He did not just simply create history by becoming the first non-Chinese DAP National Chair but used his legal prowess to demonstrate the true meaning of Malaysian Malaysia, by defending the rights of everyone regardless of race, religion, background and even nationality.
"I miss Karpal the leader, the mentor and the person who not only gave hope but inspired us with the optimism to hang on tightly to our principles," he said in a statement.
Meanwhile, many Malaysians also remembered the legendary man in their social media accounts.

It's been a year since Karpal Singh left us all. That's very very fast.

— AininieHaziqaaa (@AinieHaziqa) April 17, 2015
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A year has passed since Malaysia lost this great statesman Karpal Singh Ji. My thoughts and prayershttps://t.co/IXBoVGjh7j

— Kavita Sidhu (@officialkavita) April 17, 2015
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Mr Karpal Singh's life, always in the service of Malaysia. May his life inspire us to be better Malaysians always. pic.twitter.com/erfOV6GzSq

— Jahabar Sadiq (@jsadiq) April 17, 2015
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Remembering the Tiger of Jelutong. We miss you Karpal Singh

— Teresa Wong (@teresa_wong) April 16, 2015
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Karpal died in a road accident along the North-South Highway near Gua Tempurug, Tapah, on April 17, 2014. A previous road accident had already left him in a wheelchair.
The DAP veteran left behind five children, four grandchildren, and his wife of over 40 years, Gurmit Kaur.
#Karpal Singh