SERDANG: "Be strong and take care of yourself. We love you." Those are among the words of encouragement written in the card given to fronliners at the COVID-19 Integrated Quarantine and Treatment Centre (PKRC) 2.0 at Malaysia Agro Expo Park Serdang (MAEPS) in conjunction with this year's National Month celebration.

The card, along with a pill shaped pen will then be tied to the door handle of vehicles or the side mirror of motorcycles belonging to the frontliners randomly throughout this month.

The 'Merdeka Booster' initiative was introduced by the Mental and Psychosocial Health Support Services Unit (MHPSS) of the Selangor State Health Department (JKNS) as part of efforts to enhance the emotional well-being of frontliners amid the increasingly challenging COVID-19 situation in the country.

JKNS Psychology Counseling Unit principal assistant director Suraya Banu Sallehudin said there is a decline in motivation among frontliners of late, with some of them felt like almost giving up and frustrated as COVID-19 uncertainty continues.

"The surprise token of appreciation is given to these frontliners to let them know that there are people who care and appreciate their sacrifices as well as to ensure they remain strong in carrying out their responsibilities," she told Bernama.

Suraya Banu, who is also the MHPSS coordinator, said the card with the message "Be strong because things will get better. It may be stormy now, but it never rains forever" gave frontliners hope that this challenging situation would end.

She said frontliners who have received the surprise card after working hours would contact MHPSS through the WhatsApp application saying that they felt appreciated, loved and motivated.

National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) coordinating officer Intan Rosmawannie Adlan, who is one of the card recipients, said such a surprise was something that was very much needed at this time because it could help cheer up and lift the spirits of frontliners at PKRC MAEPS 2.0.

"Although it is just a small gift, it means a lot to frontliners in this challenging situation," said PKRC MAEPS 2.0 Media Centre staff Norfarhana Mohd Zainal Abidin who also received the surprise card.