The Sarawak Fire and Rescue Department's Operations Centre, in its latest update, said the victim was found buried in the rubble and was confirmed dead by Health Ministry personnel. - JBPM
KUCHING: Two more bodies have been found in the 2.58 am landslide tragedy in Kampung Lereng Bukit in Miri, taking the total number of fatalities to four, so far.
The Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) of Sarawak's operations centre said the third body was recovered at about 11.38 am and the fourth body about 10 minutes later.
The search and rescue (SAR) team had earlier found the body of a 17-year-old boy at 6.17 am and that of a woman at 10.53 am.
Efforts to find another victim, a woman, are ongoing.
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