PUTRAJAYA: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is the only government institution showing the highest level of transparency as it is being monitored by five independent panels, its deputy chief commissioner (Prevention) Datuk Seri Shamshun Baharin Mohd Jamil said.

He said the five panels monitoring the MACC are the Corruption Prevention Advisory Board (LPPR), Special Committee on Corruption (JKMR), Complaints Committee (JKA), Consultation and Prevention of Corruption Panel (PPPR) and Operations Evaluation Panel (PPO).

"The check-and-balance mechanism indirectly helps to achieve the people's aspiration for the independence, transparency and effectiveness of the MACC in carrying out its functions in accordance with the law," he said in a statement posted on the MACC portal.

By looking closely at the functions of the five panels, it would be obvious that their establishments could counter all the negative perception against the MACC, he said.

He said the LPPR, which was set up under Section 13 of the MACC Act 2009 (Act 694), is a panel responsible for advising the MACC in terms of policies and operations.


Members of the LPPR were appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong among individuals with a high level of integrity and excellent reputation in the public service or in their respective professions.

Shamshun Baharin said the JKMR, on the other hand, was tasked to present and advise the Prime Minister on the performance of the MACC on annual basis, while the JKA will monitor every complaint on non-criminal misconduct involving MACC personnel and the PPPR will advise the Commission on corruption prevention activities and public awareness programmes.

He said members of the PPPR were appointed by the Prime Minister, comprising individuals who represent the academics, chambers of commerce, media, social activists and organisations that could help the MACC achieve its goals to create an anti-corruption society in the country.

The PPO, he said will monitor all MACC cases and will advise the MACC on whether or not a case should be closed or relooked into if they were not satisfied with the given explanation.

"There is no room to hide any wrongdoing in any investigation involving even the MACC personnel themselves. In fact, the investigation will be carried out in a very transparent and professional manner as a result of the monitoring conducted by the panels," he said.