Amidst massive hitback from people from all walks of life over Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s controversial statement in Utusan Malaysia, calls for the former Defence minister to apologise are mounting.

Political analyst Khoo Kay Peng said that Ahmad Zahid should apologise for stating Malaysians who are unhappy with the country’s political system should leave the country.

“He may be the minister but he is also a Malaysian like others, It is every Malaysian’s constitutional rights to agree or disagree with the outcome of the general election.

“It is no place for a minister to ask people to migrate to another country. His duty is only to govern the country well,” Khoo told Astro Awani.

Khoo's call is echoed by Angkatan Muda Keadilan Selangor chief Azmizam Zaman Huri, who extended the demand for apology to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

"As a Home Minister, Ahmad Zahid should have taken a neutral stand and accommodate any protest as long as it does not go against the law and create public nuisance.

“How is he going to go through a long period of time if he panics even at this kind of pressure from the rakyat.

“Ahmad Zahid and Najib must admit the mistake in the statement made and apologise to all Malaysians,” he said.

Meanwhile, Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua said that the fact Malaysia has an imperfect electoral system in place is the reason why the people are speaking up and expressing their disappointment and anger at it.

“It is the reason why hundreds of thousands of Malaysians have gathered in various cities over the past week to demand a better electoral system, be it a fairer distribution of voters in all constituencies or a thoroughly revamped proportional representation system, or a mixture of both as practiced in certain other advanced democracies. It is the right of ordinary Malaysians to demand free and fair elections.

“Ahmad Zahid, in his article, is denying these Malaysians their rights for a system which will better able to reflect the wishes of the citizens of the country,” he said.

Attempts to get a response from Ahmad Zaid were unsuccessful at press time.

Ahmad Zahid, in the news report, said that illegal gatherings held by Pakatan Rakyat across the country was a form of escapism and denial of the fact that it failed to take control of Putrajaya.

“Malaysia inherited the political system from the United Kingdom and many Commonwealth countries also use the first past the post system where political parties contesting in the election will only have one representative in each constituency with the principle of a simple majority of votes.

“Opposition leaders particularly PKR and DAP have confused the young Chinese and the politically blind followers to dress in black to protest against the 13th general election results, which they consider is in their favor because of the popular vote.

“If these people wish to adopt the list system or the single transferable vote used by countires with the republic form of government, then they should migrate to these countries to practise their political beliefs.

“Malaysia is not a country to translate their political beliefs, even if they are really loyal to this country, they should accept the political system and the existing system to form a government as enshrined in the Federal Constitution,” he said.