KUALA LUMPUR: Caretaker Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has expressed hope that a new government can be formed as soon as possible so that there are no disruptions to the country's administration.

He said the next two months were extremely important as Malaysia is expected to achieve herd immunity in October.

"All plans outlined in the National Recovery Plan (PPN) must not be affected. The economic sectors need to reopen to ensure the country's economy recover as soon as possible and the people can generate income to support themselves and their families," he said in a special address here today.

Muhyiddin said the momentum of the country's COVID-19 vaccination programme must also not be affected, adding that Malaysia's record of having one of the highest vaccination rates in the world must continue.

He also said that his former Cabinet had booked 87 million doses of vaccine for the people, involving some RM 4.36 billion, and sufficient for all Malaysians.

"To all my fellow Malaysians, you don't have to worry. My cabinet has ordered more than enough vaccines for all of you. If the vaccination programme goes well, all of you will get vaccinated by end of October.

"I hope the new government which takes over the administration of this country will take good care of all of you because it is the only thing that I care about. I care for you always," he said.

The Pagoh MP said he was always concerned with the fate of the people as he considered them like his own children.

He said the people's welfare had been a priority as the Perikatan Nasional government was one that cares for the people.

Muhyiddin was optimistic that Malaysia would come out of the COVID-19 crisis very soon and was also very pleased with developments that there are now fewer COVID-19 category four and five patients in Klang Valley hospitals.

"Hopefully, with the vaccination programme being accelerated, more lives can be saved and all of you can return to normal lives as before," he said.