Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today thanked the Government of Bangladesh and its Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for giving special routes to the humanitarian aid mission vessel, Nautical Aliya.

The Prime Minister also congratulated the Malaysian volunteers and the parties involved, who had worked very hard to provide humanitarian aid to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

"Thank God, the Food Flotilla mission has safely arrived in Bangladesh to deliver 2,000 tonnes of aid to Rohingya refugees there.

"May Allah continue to protect and bless all Muslims around the world," he said in his Facebook and Twitter accounts, tonight.

After sailing for 12 days, the humanitarian aid mission vessel arrived at the port of Chittagong, Bangladesh today about 12.30pm (local time) after the Bangladesh Government provided special routes to the port.

On Feb 9, the ship docked at the Yangon port in Myanmar before continuing its journey to Chittagong.

The Food Flotilla for Myanmar is organised by the Putra 1Malaysia Club and the Malaysian Consultative Council for Islamic Organisations with the participation of 182 volunteers from Malaysia and other countries. -- BERNAMA