New evidence suggests 9/11 a 'cover up'

Syafique Shuib
November 20, 2012 09:50 MYT
Research into the Sept 11, 2001 World Trade Centre attacks revealed that it could have very well been a cover-up.
Three building blocks at the World Trade Centre in New York collapsed after two aeroplanes smashed into the twin towers in an act of terrorism on American soil.
However, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth founder Richard Gage believes that a fire alone could not have brought down the three buildings.
Gage said this yesterday during the 9/11 Revisited: Seeking the Truth forum organised by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation.
"Based on our research, the buildings exhibited all the features of a controlled demolition and Building 7 is a classic example of an implosion," explained Gage.
He added that this is a concern as American architects and engineers were told Building 7 came down due to a fire.
"There were only small scattered fires within the building but it couldn't possibly bring down the structure. If we were lied about Building 7 then what about the twin towers?" he questioned.
While many would believe the aircrafts that hit the twin towers were responsible for the collapse, Gage remained skeptical.
"From our research, 156 responders heard sounds of explosions and flashes of lights. There were also no 'floors' found at the base of the tower. There were 110 floors and we are talking about 90,000 tonnes of concrete pulverised in mid-air.
"We also found evidence of massive explosive residues, molton iron and nano-thermite which can only be found in a highly sophisticated defense-controlled laboratory," he added.
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth was created to dispute the results of the official investigations including that of the 9/11 commission.
More than 1,700 architectural and engineering professionals have signed a petition to lend their support for the group.
"Our mission is to wake the American people up, including the academic institutions, based on our newfound evidence. It's a slow effort because the media is pretty much in control of the information flow but more Americans are becoming receptive to these new evidences," he concluded.
Five new points explaining the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings during the 9/11 attacks
- A distinct bright red flash could be seen on the plane's nose cone just before making contact with the building
- The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after being hit and the North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after being hit. Both took less than 30 seconds to fully collapse
- BBC reported Building 7 had collapsed 20 minutes before it fell. Reporters were talking about the collapse even though the building was still visible behind her
- It was reported that Building 7 collapsed because of fire but evidence shows minor damage and burning before it fully collapsed
- Witnesses heard a series of explosion and flashes of lights as the North and South Tower collapsed
#9/11 #New York #Richard Gage #World Trade Centre