RTD in a statement today said that it takes a serious view of the advertisement issued by BJAK Sdn Bhd (BJAK) through bjak.my website and BJAK social media in relation to the Motor Vehicle License (LKM) or online road tax transaction services offered to the public including the free road tax programme.
RTD said a statement displayed by BJAK through its website that "Online roadtax renewal at BJAK has been audited, validated and approved by RTD" is untrue and misleading to the public.
"This department has also received a number of complaints from the public, among which road tax renewal carried out through the BJAK website, did not have the validity period of road tax updated," according to the statement.
The department also explained that there is no system integration between the RTD System (MySIKAP) and the system used by BJAK.
At the same time, it said the department had also received complaints of dissatisfied members of the public who had to pay additional charges when renewing the road tax imposed by the platform.
"This department would like to emphasise that neither MOT or RTD have approved the imposition of any additional charges currently imposed by BJAK on its customers.
"JPJ wants to encourage road tax renewal transactions through RTD counters, kiosks, RTD Mobile counters, MyJPJ applications, RTD public portals and RTD business partner platforms (Pos Malaysia, MyEG and PUSPAKOM) only," he said.
The department said that the operation carried out by BJAK related to the road tax renewal transaction was without the permission of RTD.
Therefore, the public is advised to be careful with any platform that offers illegal road tax renewal services to prevent fraud and losses, apart from referring or contacting RTD first for more information.
"This department is committed to ensure the safety and well-being of the public, especially RTD customers, is always maintained," it said.
Any official complaint can be channeled to RTD through the RTD Official Complaint Portal