*oday's ar*icle is brough* *o you by *he le**er '*'

Zan Azlee
April 22, 2015 07:06 MYT
Zan Azlee is s*ar*ing *o *hink *ha* all public display of the cross or any*hing similar *o i* has *o cease in order *o keep *he peace in Malaysia.
*he Malay Muslims in Malaysia are a very special group of people. Among *heir most significan* charac*eris*ics are *ha* *hey are very sensi*ive, emo*ional and easily offended.
Hence, *hey need special pro*ec*ion from *hose who can pro*ec* *hem. Wha* *his means is *ha* *hey usually have a guardian, or guardians, cons*an*ly looking ou* for *hem.
When *hey are young children, *heir paren*s would shel*er *hem from harm and evil *hough*s by condi*ioning and con*rolling *heir minds cons*an*ly.
*hey are *augh* religion from a very young age and *he reason for *his is so *ha* *hey will have a strong founda*ion in *heir fai*h and won'* be easily corrup*ed when *hey are older.
Unfor*una*ely, a lo* of *he religious *eachings *hey receive are merely ri*uals *hat *hey are told *o perform ins*ead of actually being *augh* *o unders*and *he fai*h be**er.
So, when *hey grow older and *urn in *o adul*s, they can'* be weaned off the pro*ec*ion *hey have been given. *hey lack *he abili*y *o *hink for *hemselves.
*he very *hing *ha* *heir religious *eachings was suppose *o provide *hem with became *he very *hing *hat *hey lacked, which is, a s*rong founda*ion in *heir fai*h.
And *ha* is why *hese Malay Muslims will forever require pro*ec*ion and *aking care of. *he sligh*es* change in *he environment *ha* *hey are used *o will shake *heir fai*h.
If ano*her group of people who prac*ice a differen* religion *han *hem s*ar*s *o use *he same language as *hey do *o conduc* *heir prayers, *hey will ge* confused.
So, *he easies* solu*ion in order *o overcome *his problem is *o jus* ban all non-Malays from using *heir language for *heir prayers. Problem solved.
When *hey see *hings *ha* are coun*er-cul*ure wi*h wha* *hey are used *o, *hey ge* easily influenced and *he risk of *hem emula*ing wha* *hey have seen is very highly likely.
And ye* again, the mos* convenien* solu*ion is *o ban every*hing *ha* is differen* from *he Malay Muslims’ own cul*ure so *hey won’* be *hrea*ened. Problem solved.
And so i* is when i* comes to having big crosses being displayed in clear view of *he Malays, *hey would obviously be very *hrea*ened by i*.
From *heir lack of a s*rong religious founda*ion, jus* *he mere sigh* of a cross, or any*hing similar *o a cross (like *he le**er ‘*’, for example), would s*rip *hem off *heir fai*h.
So wha* would be *he mos* obvious solu*ion *o *he problem? Wipe ou* all public displays of *he cross and every*hing *ha* resembles i*. Problem solved.
#Christian #church #cross #Islam