OTK and Gan reveal manifestos to revive flailing MCA

Astro Awani
December 14, 2013 17:40 MYT
MCA presidency hopefuls— former president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat(pic) and vice-president Gan Ping Sieu— both unveiled their respective manifestos in separate press conferences today.
Ong, bidding for a comeback into mainstream MCA politics, included three principles in his manifesto, namely: ensuring access to equal partnership, equal economic opportunity for all races and upholding meritocracy
He also promised to carry out eight initiatives:
1. Party grassroots empowerment: institutionalising party divisional funding and providing staff to divisions for activities; conducting election training for the grassroots; and revising the party electoral system.
2. Forming 1MCA Clubs as outreach to Malaysians at the community level
3. Reactivating overseas MCA clubs to reach overseas Malaysians
4. Assisting small- and medium-scale enterprises and enhancing MCA's role and visibility in the business market
5. Institutionalising monetary assistance to independent Chinese schools and conforming secondary schools and lobbying for funds for Chinese primary schools
6. Implementing career training skills for youths and strengthening the MCA Youth engagement with them;
7. Capacity building activities for under-privileged women to make them economically self-reliant
8. Free mobile healthcare services
Ong promised that he would do whatever he can to bring the party closer to the people, regardless of race.
He also expressed confidence over receiving support from those within MCA, as well as the general public.
“Support from the rakyat, from the public, MCA members, delegates and nondelegates alike are very encouraging. I’m just not praising myself... reality is that messages on social media, Facebook and the SMSes flooded in for me. During my walkabout, wherever I am, there are people who shake my hand... this is a good sign,” he told reporters.
Ong also said that he was not a lone ranger despite not having a running mate. However, he assured that he can work with any deputy and vice presidents after he wins.
MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, who was first to reveal his manifesto on Dec 2, is openly aligned to Datuk Wee Ka Siong, who is going for deputy president.
Gan, on the other hand, is believed to be aligned to another deputy presidency candidate, Datuk Donald Lim.
Meanwhile, Gan Ping Sieu's manifesto outlined his plan to bring the party forward, putting emphasis on returning to core values of the party.
"I have offered a road map for the party based on core values. Over the years, we have side-tracked so much. We have come to be known as more of a communal party and that is wrong," he was quoted as saying by FZ.com.
Gan said that MCA needs to be seen as an equal and autonomous partner in the BN coalition.
Gan’s full manifesto:
1) Politics:
• Equal partnership and party autonomy - Partnership of BN must be built on mutual respect and in the common interests. Independence and autonomy of our party can never be compromised:
• Political discourse from a national interest perspective - Moving away from the communal interests and adopting an approach towards national interests in our political pursuit;
• Inclusive politics at BN level - Participation in policy-making and the decision-making process of BN government must be real and apparent at all coalition levels; and,
• Wider ethnic representation in the public sector, including GLCs - To foster goodwill, enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the public delivery service.
2) Economy
• Pro-competition - To build a competition-conducive, business-friendly, and efficiency-orientated market for economic development and sustainable wealth creation for our nation;
• Pro-equal opportunity - To promote equal chance and access for economic success, irrespective of colour or creed; and,
• Liberalisation of economic policies - Lower entry barriers, remove restrictions and limitations and to ensure equal access to financial assistance, training and marketing network.
3) Education
• Advocate parental choice and equitable allocation of resources to all schools. Strengthen vocational and continuous skills training for human resource development.
4) Social
• Engagement with Civil Society - Improve discourse with multi-racial civil society groups, professional bodies and special interests groups over and above the traditional Chinese NGOs;
• Defend pluralism, diversity and freedom of choice of the people - Steadfastly protect the rights of all, as enshrined in the Federal Constitution; and,
• Social Justice - To defend the interests of the socially disadvantaged, the needy and the poor, irrespective of colour and creed. In particular, to allow young ones equal opportunity to realise their potential.
5) Party organisation
• Election process and Election culture - Further democratisation of party polls and to foster a healthy election culture. This includes the direct election of the party president, eradication of money politics and external interferences in MCA elections;.
• Establish MCA's Council of Elders - as provided for in the MCA constitution. This council would play an important advisory role, including the sharing of political experience and wisdom, and in the resolution and mediation of internal party conflicts;
• Set up a trustee committee to manage party assets - A professionally managed committee to ensure the maximisation of returns on party investments;
• Distribution of party resources - Returns from MCA's investment to be widely distributed for training and political activities, including preparation for the next general election at divisional and branch levels;
• MCA Bureaus with KPI - Bureaus to be modelled after cabinet portfolios, with a clear set of KPI;
• Outcome-based party management to ensure structured and well-planned party programmes and activities to allow for effective execution;
• Revitalise think-tank Insap to carry out wide and extensive research for the formulation of the party policies and party positions in the fields of politics, economics, cultural and social issues etc;
• School of Political Studies - provide structured modules of political training to ensure rejuvenation of party members and equip the MCA and its activists with the necessary skills for political discourse;
• Publicity and new media engagement - The party's information and publicity strategy to be further enhanced, taking into account the pervasive use of new technology;
• Activate dormant members - Set up a special bureau to activate and engage dormant members; and,
• Permanent election campaign directorate - Mine for feedback on local and national issues, constituency analysis and track trends to prepare for the next GE.
Nomination day for the MCA elections has been fixed for Monday, Dec 16. Delegates will vote for the president posts on Dec 21.
#Chua Soi Lek #election #Gan Ping Sieu #Liow Tiong Lai #MCA #Ong Tee Keat