Pak Samad arrested early morning today

T K Letchumy Tamboo
September 4, 2013 11:41 MYT
National laureate A. Samad Said was arrested early today morning following the incident of flying Sang Saka Malaya flags during a pre-Merdeka event at Dataran Merdeka on Friday.
Samad, who is also known as Pak Samad, confirmed this in a tweet.

Saya dalam perjalanan ke balai polis Dang Wangi. Saya dibawa 3 anggota polis.

— A Samad Said (@asamadsaid) September 3, 2013
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Dang Wangi police chief ACP Zainuddin Ahmad confirmed that he was arrested under Section 4 of the Sedition Act.
"He was released at 3am after questioning was over," Zainuddin told Astro Awani.
Batu MP Tian Chua had also tweeted that the 81-year-old was released after questionings were completed.

Akhirnya @asamadsaid selesai dismal-siasat & dibebas dari tahanan.

— Tian Chua (@tianchua) September 3, 2013
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Yesterday, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar urged national laureate A Samad Said to surrender to police over his involvement in the gathering.
Khalid alleged that Samad was in hiding.
However, Pak Samad denied ever running away or hiding from the authorities.
“There are reports online quoting Khalid as saying I am hiding from the police. But that’s not true, I have never run (away),” he told Astro Awani.
Activists Hishamuddin Rais and Adam Adli were also arrested on Monday over their involvement in the same gathering.
They were released at 3am Tuesday morning.
#arrested #samad said #sang saka #Tian Chua