KUALA LUMPUR: Petronas will continue with its exploration project in the South China Sea even though there are overlapping claims for the area with China, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

He said this was because Malaysia considered the area, where the exploration project was being carried out, in the country's territorial waters.

"In any case, if China considers this to be their right, we are open for negotiations, but in the meantime, for exploration efforts, we will continue.

"I do not want to avoid negotiations because this is ASEAN's stand. For ASEAN, all overlapping claims should be resolved through negotiations, but until now, Malaysia insists that this (exploration project) is in Malaysia's area or territory," he said during the Minister's Question Time in the Dewan Rakyat today.

He was responding to a question from Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan (PN-Kota Bharu) who wanted to know whether the Prime Minister discussed regional security issues during his recent official visit to China, especially with the presence of the Chinese navy in the South China Sea.

Anwar said Malaysia's stance on the exploration by Petronas had been conveyed to Chinese President Xi Jinping and his counterpart Li Qiang during his official visit to the republic recently.

"The matter was raised because of the overlapping claims in the South China Sea, especially China's concern over Petronas' activity in the area," he said.

Regarding the presence of Chinese ships and navy in the South China Sea, the Prime Minister said China had clarified that it was in international waters, but the Malaysia Foreign Ministry will continue to monitor and issue a protest note if there were "collisions".

Anwar said Malaysia and ASEAN were firm in their stance not to support any effort that could increase tension, especially in the military field.

"That's why when the establishment of AUKUS was announced, Malaysia expressed its concern that it does not become something that will be considered provocative and will cause China to increase their activities in the region," he said.

AUKUS refers to the formation of a trilateral defence cooperation between Australia, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US).

Last March 30, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan said that as a member of ASEAN, Malaysia holds the principle of maintaining ASEAN as a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN), including in issues related to nuclear disarmament, nuclear proliferation prevention and the peaceful use of nuclear technology.