The campus community was even more worried as it was alleged that the Professor has a history of sexual harassment and that there was inaction due to his influential position in the Department. This was reported on 16 December 2024, with the University Management issuing a press statement on 21 December 2024.
It is understandable that the campus community was worried given the seriousness of the allegation and not knowing or hearing of the action by the management until 21 December. While subsequently, the said Professor has been suspended, it is not clear if the suspension is because the investigation is ongoing or if the punishment is meted out as the sexual harassment is found to have merit.
Instead of summoning those who urge for prompt action to deal with the case, PKAUM urges that the University Malaya community, and the higher education community broadly to come together in solidarity to reflect and assess the policy, and the mechanism in place to redress sexual harassment and its implementation in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses. This would facilitate rectification of weaknesses and learning from best practices.
Academics have been criticized before for being in their ivory tower and out of touch with the realities and sufferings of ordinary citizens. In this context, the actions of Aznijar Yazid, and by extension, Chin Jes Weng, S. Indramalar and Wong Xiao You are commendable in urging for timely interventions and measures then.
Furthermore, in institutions of higher learning students are encouraged to be critical, concerned with social issues and involved in community work and the like. The issue of sexual harassment is a social issue happening in front of our doorsteps and it is laudable that they act in accordance with the values instilled to contribute to enhancing universities as safe spaces for academic excellence to thrive.
PKAUM urges for the Universiti Malaya academic community from the management to academic staff to students to be united and work together against sexual harassment. PKAUM, would also like to offer its expertise in said matter to address the issue. In this context, PKAUM also urges for the summoning of said individuals for questioning to be halted.
Dr Lai Suat Yan
PKAUM 2024/2026