KUALA LUMPUR: Eight people were arrested after police raided a condominium here Wednesday which was used as a drug processing laboratory.

Dang Wangi district police chief ACP Noor Dellhan Yahaya said police nabbed a local couple in the 7 am raid on the condominium in Jalan Law Yew Swee.

After interrogating the couple, police launched four separate raids in the Dang Wangi police district and rounded up five men and one woman, who are all foreigners.

"In these raids, police seized an assortment of drugs, including 796 grammes (g) of methamphetamine; methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA, 382 g); MDMA powder (353 g); methamphetamine juice (220 millilitres); ketamine (211.62 g); MDMA juice (25 millilitres), all worth about RM191,693," he said in a statement yesterday.

Noor Dellhan said the suspects, aged between 20 and 40, have been remanded for seven days from yesterday for investigations under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.