GEORGE TOWN: The police are investigating a viralled video which showed two traffic policemen escorting a private vehicle along Jalan Bukit Gambir, near here.

Penang police chief Datuk Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain said a disciplinary investigation paper on the two policemen seen in the video, which went viralled on the social media since yesterday, was also opened.

The 20-second video, which was detected at 8.36 pm yesterday, was uploaded on Facebook by account owner anwarazeez and it showed a man at the wheel of a private vehicle which was escorted by two traffic policemen on a motorcycle belonging to the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM, he said in a statement today.

He confirmed the incident took place at Jalan Bukit Gambir.

The man at the wheel of the private vehicle is believed to the son of a member of Parliament.