KOTA KINABALU:UMNO's stance in calling for a political ceasefire shows that the party places the people’s welfare as a priority at a time when the country is faced with a major test.

Former Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak said holding the  ceasefire does not mean admitting defeat or that we have lost, but we are putting the interests of the nation and the people above our individual interests.

He said politicians and the various parties must work as a team, set aside partisanship and prejudice.

"Everyone has their own opinion, expertise. Form a team that can serve the people. This is also considered as a 'new normal'," he said in a post on his blog sallehsaid.com.

Salleh, who is also Usukan state assemblyman said this is the time for politicians to really show their unity and solidarity while reminding that those at the top were always being observed by the rakyat.

Yesterday, Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in a statement stated that the party will hold a political ceasefire  as a show of support for the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government in its effort to focus on helping the people, as the country is faced with the COVID-19 pandemic and an economic downturn.