SHAH ALAM:The high number of daily positive COVID-19 cases in Selangor recently is due to several contributing factors, including population density, especially in urban areas, said Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari.

He said that the high number of daily COVID-19 positive cases has definitely caused the people in Selangor to be very concerned, particularly when it reaches up to four figures and has not dropped to two figures since last month.

Hence, he said that all residents in Selangor should remain disciplined in complying with the standard operating procedures (SOPs) set by wearing face masks, practicing physical distancing and frequently washing their hands with soap or sanitary liquid.

“What the state government is doing is to increase the number of screening tests for the community. More than 19,000 tests have been carried out since the COVID-19 infection started (in Malaysia) and the cost is fully borne by this administration.

“We aim for another 50,000 screening tests to be conducted to help (the Ministry of Health) to identify positive cases in Selangor,” he said through a posting on his Facebook page, yesterday.

He explained that through the screening, the state government was able to help isolate COVID-19 positive individuals from infecting others, as well as encourage them to undergo self-quarantine.

The current situation of COVID-19 infection in Selangor is still under control, and the state government is working with the federal government to establish a COVID-19 Assessment Centre (CAC) in nine districts in the state to provide feedback and advice to positive individuals.

“Through Selgate Corporation and SelCare, we will add services at CAC to provide other feedback to the community so that they know it (COVID-19 transmission) can still be controlled through daily activities, especially through self-quarantine,” he said.

Therefore, he said that with the efforts made by the state government, including the provision of assistance for the people through the 'Kita Selangor Package', it is hoped that it will be possible to ease the task of all parties, including the state health department.