In her latest entry on her Facebook page, Vivian also chastised Alvin for forgetting her and not sympathising her current condition.
“You left without notice. You didn’t have the slightest iota of courtesy to respond to any of the messages sent,” she wrote.
Vivian added that the suffering which she went through since Alvin left the country was left unappreciated by him.
“Our relationship has now ended. You have gone overboard in spreading various lies about me,” she stated.

Vivian Lee's posting on her Facebook page.
Police currently are probing into Alvin's statement criticising several leaders on Facebook under the Sedition Act 1948.
This is the second time Alvin is being investigated under the Act. The couple were first charged under the Act last year for making fun of Islam with their Ramadhan message.
Alvin was believed to have left to the United States via Singapore.
Deputy public prosecutor, Wan Shaharuddin Wan Ladin, however, is confident that Alvin will return to Malaysia as he would not want his girlfriend to face the music alone.
Alvin had earlier on a Facebook posting accused Vivian of offering sex services.
The accusation received various feedbacks from social media users who said Alvin’s departure from her life as the best step taken.
Many had advised Vivian to learn from her mistakes.
On June 13, the court had issued an arrest warrant against Alvin for failing to surrender his passport to the court after it was released to him for travel to Singapore.
He had also failed to appear in court for his case mention on July 18.
Alvin Tan or his full name, Tan Jye Yee, 26, and Vivian Lee or Lee May Ling, 25, were charged with making a seditious posting on "Alvin and Vivian - Alvivi" Facebook by uploading a photograph of themselves eating bak kut teh, a pork dish, with the greeting, "Selamat Berbuka Puasa with bak kut teh...fragrant, delicious and appetising" together with the 'halal' logo.