The Home Ministry (KDN) today handed a show-cause letter to The Star newspaper on its publication of an article titled 'Malaysian Terrorist Leader' on its front page, together with the photograph of Muslims performing the terawih prayers.

KDN secretary-general Datuk Seri Alwi Ibrahim said The Star was given seven days to reply the letter on why action should not be taken against the tabloid newspaper under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984, including suspension of its publishing permit.

He said the KDN deeply regretted the headline which was published on the same page as the photograph when there was no co-relation between the two reports.

"And, it is very unsuitable to publish (the reports) on the same page because it is confusing, can cause misunderstanding and prejudice towards Muslims and could be connected to terrorism," he said.

In a statement here today, Alwi said it also indirectly ridiculed Islam.

Four representatives of the English-language newspaper were seen entering the KDN building here about 10.50am today, and leaving about an hour later following the ministry's decision to call in the chief editor.

The four were The Star's specialist editor M. Shanmugam and three executive editors - Brian Martin, Dorairaj Nadason and Rozaid Abdul Rahman.

The Star has also issued an apology over the matter yesterday.

According to the newspaper, it was its practice to publish a photograph of Muslims performing the terawih prayers on the front page on the first day of Ramadan as a mark of respect for the religion.

In his statement, Alwi reminded all newspapers to ensure their contents did not contain anything that could touch on sensitivities and affect public order.

"Newspapers have a responsibility to ensure the unity and well-being of Malaysians, who are of various races, religions and cultures, are preserved," he said.