People of all faiths are free to learn about Islam. The religion is universal -- with universal values -- that adhere to every souls on earth.

Upon realising this, Al-Syakirin Surau in Bandar Utama in collaboration with Hidayah Centre Foundation opened its doors for all races and religions in a programme held at its premises today.

Titled, Mosque Open Day (MOOD), the programme is aimed at bringing community members from all faiths and walks of life to understand Islam through religious institutions as one-stop centres for activities and the society development.

“We are not inviting or forcing anyone to convert. What we are doing is to send a message about Islam and that the religion is rahmatan lil’ alamin, it is a universal religion complemented with values that can be applied to everybody and to debunk prejudices about the religion,” said programme manager, Jamaludin Shamsudin.

Established 20 years ago, surau Al-Syakirin, Jamaludin admitted that community members in Bandar Utama hardly know each other.

Coupled with issues and inter-racial tensions raised by the Westerns had caused a disparity between Muslims and non-Muslims community.

Surau Al-Syakirin

Through the initiative, said Jamaludin, closers ties are formed and unity is strengthened.

“A total of 80 per cent of the community in Bandar Utama is made up of non-Muslims, so it is important that we get to know each other,” he added. Hidayah Centre chairperson, Rahibah Che Omar said MOOD attempts to teach the Muslims about transparency and readiness in welcoming non-Muslims to understand Islam.

She also said, that there are conservative Muslims who do not represent the real teachings of Islam to the non-Muslims, which has had a negative impact on non-Muslim perceptions of the religion.

“Their duties (as committee members of surau or mosque) to portray the beauty of Islam which is not limited to Muslim community. Islam is inclusive to all.

“We know that discussions on religion are sensitive so when they visit the mosque today, we openly talk about it and they too, were open about it and the desires to learn were evident,” she said.

Held between 9am and 1pm the programme included a series of activities including a tour of the surau by Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan personnel.

Sirai Al-Syakirin

Visitors were taken to visit to the prayers hall and how Muslims perform their prayers.

Bandar Utama Buddhist Society (BUBS) deputy president, Chiam Swee Ann readily admitted that the experience was memorable and he was drawn to learn about Islam.

“I come here all the time for Hari Raya open house but this is my first visit to the praying hall.

“The surau committee members demonstrated how to perform the ablution (wudhuk) for instance. I see some similarities between Islam and Buddha.