MELAKA: An unemployed man was charged in the Ayer Keroh Sessions Court here today with three counts of illegal deposit taking involving RM125,000 five years ago.

Iskandar Isahak, 51, pleaded not guilty when the charges against him were read out before judge Maziah Joary Mohd Tajudin.

He is alleged to have accepted the money for investment, without a licence, from three individuals which was later deposited into the account of his company I Usahawan Global Berhad.

The offence was allegedly committed at Jalan Hang Tuah, Melaka Tengah, between May 10 and June 27, 2016.

The charges were made under Section 137(1) of the Financial Services Act 2013, which provides an imprisonment for up to 10 years, or fine of up to RM50 million, or both, if found guilty.

Maziah Joary Mohd Tajudin set bail at RM10,000 for each charge and also ordered Iskandar to report himself at the nearest police station on the first day of every month.

The court set Aug 16 for mention.

Deputy public prosecutor Anis Wahidah Mohamad prosecuted, while lawyer Zulhelmi Wagiman represented the accused.

In separate proceedings before magistrate Lee Kim Keat, Iskandar pleaded not guilty to cheating a 46-year-old man in connection with the purchase of a high-powered motorcycle, prompting the victim to hand over a cheque worth RM32,000 in October 2016.

The charge, framed under Section 420 of the Penal Code, carries a maximum jail term of 10 years and whipping and also liable to a fine.

Lee allowed the accused bail of RM1,500 and the case has been fixed for mention on Sept 14.