ALOR SETAR: The high tide phenomenon that hit several areas in the state, especially in Kuala Kedah, here last night was described by residents as one of the worst compared to previous tidal occurrences.

A resident of Kampung Sungai Dua, Kuala Kedah, Ismail Saad, 54, said sea water overflowed into more remote areas, which had never happened before, reaching the coastal areas and main roads.

"Although the water rose across a wider area, the situation does not seem dangerous because the water rises slowly and only for a few hours before receding. But compared to the previous year, the tidal wave inland this time looks worse.

"Yesterday, the water started to rise but tonight the water rose higher. This phenomenon has never happened before. Even with the Northeast (monsoon) season, (it) has never happened. This is the first time," he said when met by reporters here last night.

According to him, the phenomenon which is described as 'normal' and occurs every year does not worry the villagers in terms of security, but for those who have crops and padi fields in the coastal areas, the flooding caused them losses.

A resident of Kampung Seberang Kota who was also affected, Muhammad Rizuwan Abdullah, 38, said the phenomenon this time caused (the ground floor of) his house to be completely inundated compared to only partial flooding the previous year.

"The water usually reaches the room only, not into the living room and kitchen, but this time the water covered the whole house. The area around the house is submerged but the situation did not last long, maybe for three hours," he said.

Meanwhile, a survey of several areas in Kuala Kedah last night found that the high tide started as early as 9 pm and reached its peak at midnight with the waters swirling slowly into residential areas.

Kota Setar District Civil Defence Force (APM) Operations and Disaster Division officer Muhammad Hilmi Yaakob said the phenomenon had also caused the Kampung Seberang Kota Fishermen's base to be flooded apart from several areas around Kuala Kedah town which came under 0.5 metre to 0.7-metre deep water.

However, he said based on the survey and monitoring, the situation was still safe and under control and his division was ready to evacuate affected residents if so required.

"If it is in a lower area, (indeed) it will be affected, especially the coastal swathes which has been submerged and also at the intersection to the Kuala Kedah jetty, the water has started to rise, but for this high tide phenomenon, no residents have been evacuated as yet," he said.