Rape and the law

Shein Shanin
June 11, 2014 13:41 MYT
20 years is not enough to erase the memory of when someones humanity is taken away from them
As a student of English Law, it appalls me that the Malaysian legal system takes rape so lightly.
Here in Malaysia, rape is an act of a man forcing a woman to have sexual intercourse with him, and shall only be punished for a term which may extend 20 years.
Lets contrast this with the English system where a person who is guilty for such an offence will be liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for life.
This is because in the United Kingdom, and various other parts of the world, crimes such as rape is considered so serious that they can be only tried on indictment at the highest court where the widest range of sentencing powers is available.
Why is it in Malaysia we have so little regard for our women?
There was the recent case of a college student who was found guilty of raping his girlfriend, and was sentenced to a light caning in front of his parents at court.
How is the boy supposed to repent for what he has done? If anything, the boy probably enjoyed a bit of light spanking in public.
How does this verdict set an example for other rapists out there?
Then there was the drug fueled brutal rape by 38 men on two young girls in Kelantan. The perpetrators will be jailed for up to 20 years then they will be set loose again.
I can bet you that once they have had a taste of that freedom, the sensation of that forbidden fruit they once acquired will overcome them, they will be wanting more, but this time they will be careful about it.
20 years is not enough to erase the memory of when someone’s humanity is taken away from them. Nothing will ever erase that, but justice is a dish best served cold.
Men in this country have been brought up to believe that women belong to them. That women are something to be earned and kept.
This thinking is even enshrined in our legal system where there is an exception stating that sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife in a valid marriage is not considered rape.
A woman is not a thing you can violate, a toy you can do whatever you want without repercussions.
She is a human being with emotions, she feels pain, she understands her surroundings. She. Is. Just. Like. You.
She is not a thing that you deserve, who’s humanity you can take whenever you please. Sex is not something men are entitled to, it must be consensually earned.
We need to change our laws to reflect the fact that women have a right over their bodies, and it is a crime to allow any person to take her dignity away and that such crimes will not be taken lightly.
If the law is not on our side, who is?
#english law #human rights #law #rape #womens rights