Should we ban 24-hour eateries?
Datuk Dr NKS Tharmaseelan
April 3, 2014 00:04 MYT
April 3, 2014 00:04 MYT
I read with interest the call to ban 24-hour eateries. This call will be a recipe to disaster. We should not embark on Quixotic ideals to solve problems of the day.
Obesity is a world wide trend. It has certainly multiplied worldwide not just in Malaysia.
Most western countries and the developed countries do not have 24 -eateries like Malaysia and still obesity is widely prevalent and is a pervasive problem, that they are still grappling to address.
Most tourists to Malaysia will agree that the attraction in Malaysia, is the easy accessibility and availability of a variety of cheap food round the clock.
We have blue and white collar workers who work shifts, especially those who work night shifts who need to have food at the appropriate time. Students these days too have late classes and depriving them the availability of ' cheap' food is meaningless.
It is not just the students who throng these eateries. Malaysian life-style has changed. Cooking less at home and eating out is the trend. This may be due to the fact that the most of the family are wage earners who do not have the time to cook even if inclined.
Those who travel abroad will realise the problem of getting food over the weekends and late nights unless you are able to afford the luxury of dining in expensive hotels.
It is not the 24 hour eateries that is the problem, it is the type of food served. The eateries must be advised to serve healthy food. The menu should mandatorily show the calories each food would contribute as 'disincentive ' to consume that food.
The Government should make bold moves like completely withdrawing subsidy to sugar and other unhealthy foods. It can raise taxes on all type sweetened drinks and food.
A long term plan should be introduced right from kindergarten as regards food habits and leading healthy lifestyles. Malaysians should taught and encouraged to reduce caloric intake and indulge in regular physical activity.
There must be compulsory physical education at l levels that should be initiated from kindergarten ill tertiary institutions. Incentives should be given to Malaysians to go to gyms, and tax rebates be given for sports equipment and orts related activities.
There should be mire recreational centre , and parks but that needs to maintain and should not meet the fate of the many 'government sponsored futsal courts that lie idle. Many sports programmes for the Rakyat has yet to be implemented.
Moreover, the livelihood of thousand of Malaysians will be affected if they are asked to close down the eateries or limit their operating hours. There will be financial implications for the nation as a whole.
Instead of banning we should wane them away from eating unhealthy and excess food. They should be encouraged in leading healthy lifestyles .
Banning 24 -hour eateries is the easy way out. We need persistence in educating Malaysians , a daunting task , perhaps but the only realistic long term goal. It can be done with determination and perseverance.
Datuk Dr. N.K.S Tharmaseelan is the President of Malaysian Medical Association.